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2010 ALT (International Interaction) Fair
2011年10月22日 18:08

ALT (International Interaction) Fair 2010

Newly appointed ALTs (Assistant Language Teachers) in Shizuoka prefecture were invited to enjoy a small cultural exhibition in Oosuka area staying one night with each host family.


ALT 歓迎会 (welcome meeting)
平成22年 10月 23日 土曜日 午前11時--午後1時30分
会場: 大須賀市民交流センター 会議室 1・2


     国際交流フェア International Interaction Fair


     ちっちゃな文化展・街歩き Small Cultural Exibition

Enjoying stores and houses along the Enshu-Yokosuka Highway and beauties of artificial works on a ceremonial occasion.


Farewell Party at Youkoku-ji on Oct. 24,  2010

2010 ALT (International Interaction) Fair - 11/10/22 18:08 (シンちゃん)