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Member's News 2017
2018年04月14日 23:38


Roland Delmont, ex-chairman of the Sister Cities Association of Corning died on Sunday, December 17, 2017.
Logan Liboiron is ALT (2017-2018) of Kakegawa Technical High School.
Elaine Carmen is ALT (2017-2018) of Kakegawa West High School
Mireille Lubbe is ALT (2015-2018) of Kakegawa East High School. Her successor (2018-2019) is to be from Ireland.

Derek Tingblad is ALT (2017-2018) of Yokosuka High School.
Ian Kyle Lutz is ALT (2017-2018) of Ogasa High School.
New Coordinator of Corning City’s ‘Sister Cities Association for Kakegawa’ is John Fisher who lived in Japan for a while and speaks Japanese. 
The Friendship Delegation to Corning in 2017 enjoyed U.S.A. from Aug. 9 to Aug. 18 and safely returned to Kakegawa.

Four members of the Corning Delegation to Kakegawa stayed in Kakegawa from Jun. 27 to Jul. 8, 2017.

They are Andrew Steffanus, Christina Nurezynski, Josephine Schelling, and Halm Brooke.




Member's News 2017 - 18/04/14 23:38 (シンちゃん)