English Conversation Classの「A letter from ex-ALT Lindsay Rude 」
「A letter from ex-ALT Lindsay Rude 」の書込一覧です。
A letter from ex-ALT Lindsay Rude
2008年08月20日 09:03
Hello friends!

It's been a long time, and I miss you so much! How are you? Do you have a great new ALT at Yokosuka Koko and the the town Yakuba? I hope so!

I think about my experience in Japan often and hope to return in the next few years. I wanted to let those of you who have remained in Osuka - Cho know that I moved to New York and I want to come visit you on your next trip to Corning. I'm not sure if Kakegawa has continued this relationship with New York, but if so, I would love to come up and see you.

I moved to New York recently because my partner, Erik, is a writer and he is going to New York University for graduate school this fall. I am an art teacher at a public school in Manhattan, and I'm very excited to start my new job. I too went back to school when i returned from Japan and got my masters in art education. I'm hoping to go back to school again at some point to study Eastern ceramics and receive my PhD. I have always wanted to go to school in New York so this is quite an opportunity. I want to focus in Chinese ceramics and bronze work from the Neolithic and Shang dynasties. I'm hoping my studies will bring me back to Japan.

I'm going to travel to Germany this fall to visit a good friend who is there studying architecture. It's really nice to be in New York because the cost to fly is much cheaper. Other than that, I'm just getting ready to start school and for the weather to cool off.

I hope everyone is in good health and having a nice fall. Please say Hello to Iwahori Sensei and Sawaki San and everyone I've missed. I don't have emails for everyone but I would love to stay in better touch, even if you just want to practice English with me.

Take Care and let's email again soon,

