コーニング市友好訪問団の「 Letter from Mayor Totsuka to Mayor Lewis 2005 」
「 Letter from Mayor Totsuka to Mayor Lewis 2005 」の書込一覧です。
Letter from Mayor Totsuka to Mayor Lewis 2005
2010年06月26日 10:49

Mayor Totsuka

August 16, 2005

Dear Mayor Lewis:

I would like to be delighted to hear of the continued development of Corning city. And also thank you for your warm welcome to the first delegation to Corning city from new Kakegawa city after the merger with Osuka town, Daito town and Kakegawa city on the 1st day of April, 2005.

I appointed Mr. Sumio Naito, the most trustworthy member of city council to bring my letter and the protocol for our Sister City Affiliation Program to you when he visits your city as the head of the delegation this time. Corning Japan K.K. is located in old Osuka town. And it is one of the most important companies in Kakegawa. On behalf of Kakegawa citizens, I would like to thank you for the great contribution that company has been made to any further progress of Kakegawa.

I have heard that Corning is close to New York, the representative city around the world and is surrounded with the natural beauty. During my mayoralty, I sincerely wish to visit Corning in the near future.

In 2006, we are now planning a big event for Kakegawa castle throughout the year. And I hope you and many Corning people will visit Kakegawa during that time.

Sincerely yours,

Shinya Totsuka
Mayor of Kakegawa

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Re: Letter from Mayor Totsuka to Mayor Lewis 2005
【返信元】 Letter from Mayor Totsuka to Mayor Lewis 2005
2010年06月26日 12:30

でも、misspelling は直すべきでしたね。


Re: Letter from Mayor Totsuka to Mayor Lewis 2005
【返信元】 Letter from Mayor Totsuka to Mayor Lewis 2005
2010年06月26日 12:14
“I would like to be delighted to hear of the continued development of Corning city.“ は
“I am much delighted to hear of the continued development of Corning city." で充分と思います。

“Siter City Affiliation Program”
"Siter” → “Sister”

“I would like to thank you for the great contribution that company has been made to any further progress of Kakegawa.” はどういう意味でしょうか?
“I would like to thank you for the great contribution you have so far made to that company for further progress of Kakegawa.” と感謝を表したかったのでしょうか?

“I have heard that Corning is close to New York,”も“I hear that Corning is close to New York,”で充分と思います。
