コーニング市友好訪問団の「2009 Members' News」
「2009 Members' News」の書込一覧です。
2009 Members' News
2010年07月29日 12:03
2009 ALT International Fair (Oct. 24-25) was successfully over. 11 ALTs were invited to Oosuka’s Small Culture Festival. (See photo)

August 25, 2009, a new ALT, Kyle Nagao (Ogasa High School) joined our English Conversation Class. He is from Palo Alto, California.

The guest of July 28, 2009 was a collegiate of Lee University, Chattanooga,Tennessee, U.S.A.

Members of 2009 Friendship Delegation from Corning are Tori Everley (16, student) and Rose Ann Ewanyk (57, chaperon).
They stayed Kakegawa July 2, 2009 - July 9, 2009.

An ALT to Yokosuka HS, Benjamin Morgan, came from Manchester, England (U.K) 2008.

Jacqueline Taylor is an ALT for Ogasa High School who came from Christchurch, New Zealand left our country on August 6.

Sonja McNeir was an ALT for Yokosuka High School who came from Little Rock, Arkansas, U.S.A.
She is now a member of The Council of Local Authorities for International Relations (CLAIR).

ALT Medha Lim's Homepage: http://www.ntu.edu.sg/studorgn/csclub/commmed.htm
Her e-mail address: medha.lim@gmail.com

ALT Sonja McNeir in JET programme: http://www.jetprogramme.org/e/course/book4.html
